Coming off a porn addiction can hurt!


Coming off a porn addiction can hurt!

Coming off a porn addiction is the same as coming off any addiction. It’s complicated and it’ll test you, and for some it'll hurt like hell. For some men it’s like getting them off crack. Many try getting off porn on their own, but very few succeed. Let's have a look at why...


#pornaddiction #pornography #addiction #mentalhealth #sexualhealth #menshealth


Integrated Massage Therapy


Integrated Massage Therapy

How an amazing healing treatment is changing so many lives...

Integrated Massage Therapy™ is such an amazing treatment for all kinds of issues, in particular porn addiction, sex addiction, pain, depression, anxiety, abuse, lack of motivation, trauma or illness.

#sex #kundalini #integratedmassagetherapy #pornaddiction #energy #healing #men #pornography


Kundalini & Full Body Orgasm


Kundalini & Full Body Orgasm

Kundalini Awakening is the arising of a powerful life force energy in your spine, which has been coiled up at the base of your spine since birth. All areas of your life will change and benefit from this shift in consciousness. It can trigger a wide range of phenomena, and can cause significant changes in the physical, emotional, sexual, psychic capacities. The biggest reward is your heart will open and your mind will awaken to a major shift in perspective and consciousness.


#kundalini #awakening #pornaddiction #orgasm #men #menshealth #sex #sexuality #energy


James' Story


James' Story

One man's powerful story of how porn addiction has taken over his life and destroyed any chance of connecting to women. It's raw and powerful, as he takes you on a journey of self discovery and awareness. Being a witness to James' journey has been such a gift. Open your hearts and minds as you too witness his story.

 #pornaddiction #pornography #men #menshealth #sexualhealth #relationships #healing


"Porn stops rapists"...apparently!


"Porn stops rapists"...apparently!

When society, in particular men, get very defensive to protect their addictions, things get a bit nasty. The work i'm doing is triggering all sorts of wounds and the reactions are evidence of that. Even the industry professionals have a dig!


#pornaddiction #pornography #socialmedia #triggers #mentalhealth #sexualhealth


How Do Men Heal?


How Do Men Heal?

What if you knew you were worth more and valued sexuality in a relationship...would you stand up and ask for what you require? What you deserve? Or is there so much taboo and shame around your desires that you just can’t find your voice? This article delves into how men heal through sex and the groin, and by connecting to the feminine.

#connection #sexuality #healing #men #sexualhealth #pornaddiction #sex #relationships #kundalini #intimacy


Shifting Consciousness Around Porn


Shifting Consciousness Around Porn

When the average man doesn't even flag pornography as an issue, let alone an addiction, the daily conversations I have are so necessary, and where the conscious shift occurs. Awareness is key. Here is an actual conversation I had online recently...

#pornography #pornaddiction #sexualhealth #mentalhealth #sexuality #impotence #erectiledysfunction #sex #masturbation


#NOFAP? No self pleasure? No way!


#NOFAP? No self pleasure? No way!

There’s a massive movement out there gathering momentum....NOFAP and NOPMO. When it comes to porn addiction, I believe this solution is more damaging to men and only triggers them to binge and continue to ride the pornography rollercoaster.

#nofap #nopmo #sexuality #sexualhealth #pornaddiction #sex #men #menshealth #mentalhealth


How the f*ck did we end up here?


How the f*ck did we end up here?

When the number one complaint I get from men is that their sex life is terrible or non existent, and when men heal through sex and the groin, and connecting with the feminine, these couples sessions are a must-do for anyone wanting to reconnect to sex and their relationship.

#sex #couples #intimacy #coaching #reconnection #savingfamilies #menshealth
